os::TreeView::Private Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void CalcExpImgBounds ()
 Cache for expander image bounds.
 Private ()
 ~Private ()

Public Attributes

 Expander Image used for expanded items.
bool m_bDrawBox
 Expander Image used for collapsed items.
bool m_bDrawTrunk
 Draw box around expander image.
bool m_bTrunkValid
 Draw lines to each node.
bool m_bBoldFont
 Lines to each node are already set up correctly.
 Use bold font for expanded nodes.
uint m_nIndentWidth
 Message sent when expanding/collapsing node.
Rect m_cExpImgBounds
 Width of each indent step in pixels.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

os::TreeView::Private::Private (  )  [inline]

os::TreeView::Private::~Private (  )  [inline]

Member Function Documentation

void os::TreeView::Private::CalcExpImgBounds (  )  [inline]

Member Data Documentation

Image* os::TreeView::Private::m_pcExpandedImage

Image* os::TreeView::Private::m_pcCollapsedImage

bool os::TreeView::Private::m_bDrawBox

bool os::TreeView::Private::m_bDrawTrunk

bool os::TreeView::Private::m_bTrunkValid

bool os::TreeView::Private::m_bBoldFont

Message* os::TreeView::Private::m_pcExpandMsg

uint os::TreeView::Private::m_nIndentWidth

Rect os::TreeView::Private::m_cExpImgBounds

Generated on Sat May 9 22:51:50 2009 for Syllable higlevel API by  doxygen 1.5.1