os::RegExp Member List

This is the complete list of members for os::RegExp, including all inherited members.

Compile(const String &cExpression, bool bNoCase=false, bool bExtended=false)os::RegExp
ERR_BADBACKREF enum valueos::RegExp
ERR_BADBRACE enum valueos::RegExp
ERR_BADBRACK enum valueos::RegExp
ERR_BADCHARCLASS enum valueos::RegExp
ERR_BADESCAPE enum valueos::RegExp
ERR_BADPARENTHESIS enum valueos::RegExp
ERR_BADPATTERN enum valueos::RegExp
ERR_BADRANGE enum valueos::RegExp
ERR_BADREPEAT enum valueos::RegExp
ERR_BADSUBREG enum valueos::RegExp
ERR_GENERIC enum valueos::RegExp
ERR_NOMEM enum valueos::RegExp
ERR_TOLARGE enum valueos::RegExp
Expand(const String &cPattern) constos::RegExp
GetEnd() constos::RegExp
GetStart() constos::RegExp
GetSubExprCount() constos::RegExp
GetSubString(uint nIndex) const os::RegExp
GetSubString(uint nIndex, int *pnStart, int *pnEnd) constos::RegExp
GetSubStrList() constos::RegExp
IsValid() constos::RegExp
Match(const String &cString)os::RegExp
Match(const String &cString, int nStart, int nLen=-1)os::RegExp
RegExp(const String &cExpression, bool bNoCase=false, bool bExtended=false)os::RegExp
Search(const String &cString)os::RegExp
Search(const String &cString, int nStart, int nLen=-1)os::RegExp

Generated on Sat May 9 22:51:15 2009 for Syllable higlevel API by  doxygen 1.5.1